Cavin Richie
Cavin Richie grew up in Colorado surrounded by the natural beauty of the Rocky Mountains. He moved to Washington State in 1970 and has lived near the sea ever since. Cavin's designs are a reflection of his surroundings. His line includes birds, mammals and amphibians, all accurately detailed. For the past thirty years he has carved with shed elk antler and woolly mammoth ivory. These carvings became the basis for his lost wax casting jewelry.
"Carving," says Cavin "is like touching antiquity. I feel a kinship with a long lineage of carvers dating back to the Pleistocene."
In 2013 David Morgan purchased the Cavin Richie jewelry line, allowing Cavin to devote more time to his carving and one of a kind sculptures and artwork. We continue to produce the Cavin Richie jewelry to the same high quality standards and detail that our customers and Cavin's followers have come to expect and are pleased to offer these solid bronze, silver and gold lost wax castings.