With the cold winter weather, many of you might be thinking of protecting your hands. You may need gloves for outdoor activities or just a pair for the car until it warms up.
Many gloves come in small, medium, large and extra large. It can be a shock when someone asks you what your fitted glove size is.
It’s easy to figure out. Be sure to use a cloth tape measure or a string that does not stretch. Wrap the tape around the widest part of your palm. The tape will be just above the connecting point between the thumb and the palm and to the widest part of the other side of the palm. Wrap it fully around your hand and tug it gently. Do not pull it tight. It should just fit as you would like your gloves to fit.

Where to measure your glove size.
You will get a measurement in inches. The most common range is from about 7 inches to 10 or 11 inches. Go up to the nearest half size.